Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6 - John 4

You can find today's reading at:

So much is packed into this chapter. Jesus does the unthinkable and speaks to a Samaritan WOMAN! But through her testimony many believed in Jesus and then they heard Him speak even more people.

This passage contains another one of my favorite passages in verse 23 and 24: But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”

What from this chapter spoke to you?


  1. 13 Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again.

    14 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

    I like the image of a bubbling spring within each of us. Again, so simple. All we have to do is accept the "water" Jesus gives us.

  2. John 4. God's Word
    42 They told the woman, "Our faith is no longer based on what you've said. We have heard Him ourselves, and we know that He really is the Savior of the world."
    50 Jesus told him, "Go home. Your son will live." The man believed what Jesus told him and left.

    Hear and know, believe!

    2(Actually, Jesus was not baptizing people. His disciples were.)

    I love this song: "Never Thirst Again" written by the Gaithers and sung by Babbie Mason.
