Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 41, Feb 10 - Psalm 21

Click here to go to today's reading

This chapter shows how rejoicing, exalting, and trusting in the Lord has rewards.
As I read through the chapter I saw phrases like "given him his heart's desire"(2) "meet him with rich blessings" (3) "you make him glad with the joy of your presence"(6)

It's not about God being the big genie in the sky, but this passage reminds me that God takes care of those who put their trust in Him. 

Have a blessed Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Psalm 21
    4 His prayer was to live fully. You responded with even more—
    a never-ending life to enjoy.

    6 You shower him with blessings that last forever;
    he finds joy in knowing Your presence and loving You.
    7 For the king puts his trust in the Eternal,
    so he will not be shaken
    because of the persistent love of the Most High God.
