Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1, Day 153 - Acts 28

Click here to go to Acts 28

Acts closes with Paul in prison, well it sounded more like house arrest.  I loved the story of snake bite on the island. The people assumed he was a murderer because he was bitten but then when he didn't they thought he was a god. He was able to minister to people and many people were healed.


  1. The snake-bite thing is what stood out most to me too. And those reactions--just goes to show that people are always watching and being influenced by our actions, even when we don't realize it.

  2. Again, I felt that I read Acts for the first time in my life. I didn't remember any of this...the travels on the sea, the shipwreck, the snake bite. I wonder why not. I can't even remember a sermon referring to any of this. Very strange indeed since I've been going to various churches and Bible studies my whole life.

    I was taken by how easily people assume that people are either gods or the devil every time something out of the ordinary happens. They want so much to believe in something. How many people are in this world that really want to have faith but haven't found Jesus?

  3. Thanks for the continued prayers for my friend Susie. She actually took a bit of a turn for the worse yesterday. I'm praying for a better report today. She is still in ICU and now has a fever, which may mean pneumonia or another infection. She is still on a respirator and is sedated most of the time.

  4. Acts 28
    30-31 Paul rented a place to live for two full years and welcomed everyone who came to him. He spread the message about God’s kingdom and taught very boldly about the Lord Jesus Christ. No one stopped him.

    Prison ministry. Telling those in Rome about the Lord. A missionary wherever he is. The time is amazing to me. Going from here to there takes three months. Arriving, stays for two years; no mention yet of seeing the emperor. [Luke 2:49b, Jesus said, "I must be about My Father's business." As ambassadors for Christ, we are to reveal Him.]

    Philippians 1
    13 For everyone here, including the whole palace guard, knows that I am in chains because of Christ.

    Paul was allowed to speak. People were free to approach him.
