Friday, March 23, 2012

March 23, Day 83 - Luke 2

Click here to go to Luke 2

I can't imagine what Mary must have thought. First an angel appears to her and tells her she's going to have a child. Her and Joseph travels to Bethlehem and wouldn't you know it she goes into labor and has the baby and not in the best conditions. Not long after having the baby these shepherds show up talking about how the saw a host of angels.  If that wasn't wild enough the go to the Temple to fulfill their duty according to the law of Moses and all of sudden these two very old people are excited and prophesying.  That in itself just had to be overwhelming but then twelve years later Jesus ends up hanging back in Jerusalem to discuss theology with the scribes.

What does this passage tell us about the nature of God?

For me, it reminds us that He uses unconventional methods to get His message out. A young girl to give birth to His son, shepherds to receive the first birth announcement.  Makes me think of how God can still use unconventional methods to get His message out.

What about you?


  1. It is funny how I'm realizing I must have skipped over verses in the past. I had forgotten all about Simeon and Anna in this chapter. Obviously, both very wise mystics that knew who Jesus really was.

    On to vs 41-51:
    As a parent, I would be terribly frightened if I lost my son when he was 12 years old. I can imagine Mary and Joseph must have been frantic. Finding him in the temple and Jesus' response of “But why did you need to search?” he asked. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” Can you imagine a 12 year old boy saying that? It must have been quite incredible!

  2. I totally agree Sharon! I have a 13 year old and I get frustrated with him when we're in a store and he just disappears.

  3. Luke 2

    25b,26 The Holy Spirit was with Simeon and had told him that he wouldn’t die until he had seen the Messiah, whom the Lord would send.
    28 Then Simeon took the child in his arms and praised God...

    36 Anna, a prophet, was also there.
    38 At that moment she came up to Mary and Joseph and began to thank God. She spoke about Jesus to all who were waiting for Jerusalem to be set free.

    Jesus was revealed to both of them.

    Born for such a time as this. We each are in our generation for His time. The part each of us are in His plan will be revealed to us if we need to know. Maybe we do know when it happens! A conversation, an aha moment the Lord reveals to us!
